Care, ce 350 gold bre??? Unde? Vreo oferta? N-am luat decat aia 750. Ipman, cine te crezi, Funeriu? . Nu vreau sa am rabdare si multe meciuri, vreau sa fie 100% ca sa dea pe carapace tuturor si sa aibe cu ce se lauda pe la petreceri. Cu mine, care joc 2-3 meciuri pe zi, o sa ajunga la 100% pe la vara probabil, odata cu aia care dau bacul a doua oara .
Comandantul ar merge facut 100%, ca el saracu e all in one, si operator radio, si incarcator si tragator. Celalalt e doar sofer, si pot sta si fara el, oricum Pz38H735(f) parca sta atunci cand se misca iar soferul e foarte des lovit de deces de zici ca asta o fi vreun hobby de-al lui.
Eu tot mai vad vreo 500, i-am facut si lui spooky una, maestre sa ne spui daca merge. O fi din cauza ca am IP de UK?
Daca mai vreti dati si o adresa de mail ca eu nu mai am altele.
LE: Și de pe IP de Ro tot văd. Nu e de la mine, e de la voi.
Am bagat codul dat de tine pe mail si mi-a dat urmatorul mesaj:
Your inserted the wrong code, the code is part of a hacked pack. All your tanks will be reposessed and now your are able to use only the Loltraktor. Based from your IP we detected that you are Rromanian and want to steal our gold.
La doua minute dupa asta am primit insa alt mesaj:
We are sorry but we detected than you are friend with Colonel Guguloi, our hero from Ensk. So we gave you back all your tanks, we gave you the gold you deserve, and as our best regards we provide you a bonus, a camping kit for Malinovka, a big tent, a very relaxing chair, a grill and a bottle of our finest wine. Best regards to you and Colonel Guguloi
Si din cite inteleg inseamna cam asa: 16 armour groups = Armour layout changed from 8 to 16 armour groups, this ensures better accuracy/realism sau The stated vehicles had their armour reworked, which is aimed at providing higher level of detail (more armour groups). Habar n-am ce ar insemna better accuracy/realism/detail in joc spaced armor = The principle of spaced armour protects against high explosive anti-tank (HEAT) projectiles sau Some tanks got spaced armour (side skirts and mantlets mostly) sau mai exact Spaced armour effectively absorbs HE damage. It's rather noticeable on E-100, Maus, Gw-E. Cu alte cuvinte asta e responsabila de viitoarea nerfuire a HE-urilor.
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