War Thunder (World of Planes)

Mda, peciul economic e o "bjuterie" nu alta dar daca vreti sa fentati noua economie si sa valorificati din plin noul sistem de trofee cititi asta.
Pe scurt
Some times you will earn no trophies for your trouble, but other times you will get trophies for crashing into the ground. However this process can be repeated every few minutes so your net income is very high. I have had multiple 100k trophies from doing this and 2 1 million trophies so far. If you want to increase the number of trophies per mission you can kamikaze your reserves into ground targets or fly them straight to the enemy base and go for head-ons/rams, which seem to give more trophies but increases the mission time.

Using this strategy, in a 4 hour grinding session I was able to make 3.7 million lions.

Cu alte cuvinte sacrifici o seara pentru grind. Iei rezerve la toate natiile si te dai cu ele de pamint sau faci ram la altii. Statistic vorbind o sa ai parte de trofee aleatoriu si se pare ca suma lor justifica pe deplin o seara irosita cu prostii in loc sa te bucuri de joc.

Ca idee io ieri am luat 3 sau 4 trofee complet d'amboulea asa ca sunt sigur ca teoria de mai sus functioneaza. Probabil pina cind o sa se prinda astia de la Gaijin si o sa schimbe ceva in modul de acordare a "trofeelor".
Cel mai bun meci al meu de cind joc WT.


A fost in Historical Battles pe cont Standard si Defeat ofcorz. Ca termen de comparatie, cel mai bun meci al meu inainte de asta a fost tot fo' 50k in HB dar cu victorie si pe cont Premium.

Am aproape doua saptamini de cind joc numai HB. Da, reparatiile te ustura de nu te vezi dar si reward-urile sunt mai consistente. Strategia mea e simpla, joc cu absolut toate natiile si toate avioanele din garaj (in general Tier 6-9) pina le busesc pe toate apoi stau cumintele in garaj si se repara pina a doua zi cind o iau de la inceput.
Uneori mi se intimpla sa nu reusesc sa stric toate avioanele in cele 4-5 ore de joaca lol.

Desi sunt clei la pilotat gasesc HB mai OK dpdv al gameplay-ului. Da, trebuie sa ai rabdare in fiecare meci sa urci fo' 5 minute si da, nu ai reload in aer asa ca tre' sa faci drumul dus-intors pina la baza pentru repair/refill. In plus unele meciuri o sa fie naspa din cauza de MM (putini jucatori in HB comparativ cu AB), o sa ai meciuri si cu 6 humans si 4 boti dar cam aici se termina minusurile.
Ca plusuri, FM-ul este diferit fata de arcade deci trebuie sa "pilotez" mai atent. Si DM-ul este mai neiertator decit in AB deci tre' sa stii sa faci manevre cu avionul. Mare plus pentru mine e faptul ca trebuie sa-ti verifici imprejurimile ca te pomenesti brusc cu avion venit din nori sau din directia soarelui si ai cam pus-o si iar un plus mare pentru mine este absenta target leading (oricum era pe off si in AB) si faptul ca trebuie sa ai disciplina tragaciului (nu tragi ca disperatul ca in AB, ci doar cind esti aproape sigur de pozitie si rezultat).

Una peste alta io mi-am atins doleantele de la inceputul jocului (am toate Bf 109 pina la Tier 9 plus un Fw de Tier 11 si am toate Spitfire pina la Tier 12, restul de natii le joc asa de varietate) si acum joc doar pentru placerea jocului, nu mai am nimic special in vizor. :)
[strike]Cel mai bun meci al meu de cind joc WT.[/strike]
Quote-ul de mai sus e obsolete. :D
Vineri mi-am cumparat de pe site-ul rusesc in ruble Typhoon pack. Am iesit cu 30% mai ieftin decit de pe site-ul european. Practic cu 14€ mi-am cumparat 2000 gold, 2 saptamini de Premium si un avion Premium de Tier 10.
Pe site-ul normal de banii astia pot cumpara numai 2500 gold.

Care avion Premium mi-a oferit la al 10-lea meci chestia din atasament. E cam inutil sa spun ca m-am indragostit de 4 Hispano's la Tier 10. :inlove:


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Recunosc ca de fiecare data cand mi-am amintit de WT am lasat-o pe alta data, din iunie nu l-am mai pornit si nici pe joystick nu l-am incercat dupa cum intentionam. Lipsa de timp, dar si o mare lipsa de chef, nu se compara in nici un fel cu "the real thing" si de arcade sunt cam satul (sau am altele mai interesante daca imi vine cheful, gen X3: Albion Prelude).
Corect Adi, te inteleg. Probabil ca ai vrea sa-l joci cu joystick ca de asta e joc cu avioane cu pretentie de simulator dar in clipa de fata acest lucru practic nu e posibil.
Adica e posibil daca stai sa bibilesti joystick-ul (dar nici atunci n-o sa ai o setare universal valabila pentru toate avioanele) dar practic in joc tot o sa fii dezavantajat in fata mouse-aimerilor.

Norocul meu cu jocul asta e ca n-am pretentii de pilot si mouse-ul mi-e de ajuns ca sa "zbor". :)
Momentam mi-e de ajuns un meci bun pe seara in care am noroc sa-mi iasa jocul ca restul de meciuri sunt de obicei cam chifle. Probabil ca si din cauza stilului meu de a juca ca-n WoT unde eram printre primii la babardeala. Aici trebuie sa ai putin discernamint si rabdare pe linga skill-ul de a pilota decent un avion.
Scrisesem un raspuns foarte lung, dar m-am gandit ca pot sa il sumarizez foarte usor: WT e un joc, nu comentez cat de bun sau prost, dar pentru mine simulatoarele de zbor si-au pierdut atractivitatea o data cu primul zbor solo si prefer sa zbor o jumatate de ora pana la Comana si inapoi (e un aerodrom dificil, pista e foarte scurta si vizibila doar de aproape, cu o perdea de copaci pe un capat si un damb si o casa pe cealalta directie) decat sa joc 5 ore de WT.
Recunosc ca de fiecare data cand mi-am amintit de WT am lasat-o pe alta data, din iunie nu l-am mai pornit si nici pe joystick nu l-am incercat dupa cum intentionam. Lipsa de timp, dar si o mare lipsa de chef, nu se compara in nici un fel cu "the real thing" si de arcade sunt cam satul (sau am altele mai interesante daca imi vine cheful, gen X3: Albion Prelude).

Folosind aceeași logică pe care o aplici zborului real VS simulator virtual mai degrabă începi EvE Online în loc de X3 :P
Vad ca e tacere mormintala p'aici asa ca ma laud singur un pic. :D
Dupa lupte seculare in HB aseara am obtinut Dora moka. Me happy.
Iaca si primul meci cu ea (de altfel e si primul meu filmulet pe yutub asa ca fiti ingaduitori).

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Al meu e tot burebista.

Update-ul 1.35 pentru mine are 2 chestii interesante:
- Events mode
- stategic targets pentru bornbardere.

In rest muta Spit IX la Tier 13 si-i mai fac si un buff si mai baga citeva avioane de umplutura. Se mai lucreaza la citeva update-uri de FM la unele avioane dar nu se stie daca apar direct in peci sau in niste mini-peciuri de dupa.

Io am avut o tentativa in uichendul asta sa trec pe la Tier 15-16 da' mi-o iau in freza grav cu avioanele stock. MM-ul e aiurea, hartile sunt practic acelasi (Berlin/Bulge 90% din timp cu ceva variatii de la alte 2-3 harti).
Dupa peciul 1.35 cind o sa scap de Spit IX am sa stau numai in tier-urile de mijloc dar incepe sa devina cam plictisitor sa joc aceleasi avioane pe aceleasi harti.

Deci cu alte cuvinte vreau tancuri. Presto. :D
Mi s-a luat de mizeria asta de joc. In principiu din cauza ca e un beta si fac teste pe banii clientilor. Dar cel mai mult din cauza MM-ului infect. Joci pe la tier 10-11? Ia d-aici niste tier 14 sa ai. Iti plac nemtii? No problem, ia d-aici niste Spits OP de te rup pe unde te prind, fara nici o sansa sa scapi de ele. No thanks, back to WoT, au reparat MM-ul, e mai putina arty... e ok for now.
[...]back to WoT, au reparat MM-ul, e mai putina arty... e ok for now.
Ihi. Urmeaza a n+1 dezinstalare? :D

MM naspa zici? Ia de aici proaspatul Ta luat ieri la al doilea meci. :capu:


In caz ca nu va prindeti eram si io un oarecare cu avion stock cu elice intr-un meci plin de jet-uri...

Dar stii ca-ti dau dreptate ca Spit IX e cosmarul meu din ultimele 2 saptamini. Partea si mai "buna" e ca in peciul 1.35 o sa fie urcat in sfirsit la Tier 13 dar varianta Premium se pare ca ramine la Tier 11 (cel putin asa era aseara cind am intrat pe dev server) si acu' sigur dai de ele in orice avion joci de la Tier 9 incolo. :frustrat:
Azi e ziua peciului.

Pilots, we present the War Thunder update 1.35.

War Thunder update 1.35 introduces a new game play element – Events mode. Events mode includes special battles with custom parameters. In Events mode, players can recreate historical battles, try new missions and maps, or use familiar maps with customized flight model settings. War Thunder pilots have the ability not only to choose which side of the conflict they are on and which aircraft to use in battle, but also to evaluate their opponent's strength – where, against whom, and in what mode they will fight.
Events mode allows us to experiment with new and familiar game missions. For example, to use the [Operation] Korea map in Arcade mode or to fight it in simulation mode in the Rice Terraces arcades. Moreover, the game modes themselves can now have unusual, interesting settings – for example, an arcade without the ability to respawn, historical battles in which weapons can be reloaded while flying, battles with a limited number of respawns. This kind of freedom to customize settings gives players a fresh perspective on familiar missions and tactical techniques.
Read more about this mode here in our “Developer's Diaries: Events mode“
Traditionally, every major update adds new aircraft. This time in the U.S. Air Force hangar we have the top "Sabre" F- 86 jet. The modified F-86F- 2 with its formidable cannon. An additional US piston engined aircraft, a new version of the Curtiss P- 36 "Hawk" modification G with an improved rate of climb.

New aircraft for Soviet pilots: The La -5 and La-5F modified with up rated engines and improved visibility to the rear. An addition in the lend-lease program for the USSR is an American medium bomber B-25J- 30 Mitchell with Soviet stars on the wings, this has taken its place in the lineup of premium aircraft. In the hangar, a new modification of the single-engine Yak -3 with an “S” - “gun”. The rapid Yak -3P with a rare red camouflage which carries three 20mm cannons.

Updating the Luftwaffe fleet in the hangar - the first version of " Emile " Bf.109 E- 1 at tier 5, starts the lineup with the legendary “Messerschmitt”. We also have a new four cannon fighter: Focke-Wulf Fw.190A- 5 which has entered at tier 10 for Germany. The same machine, but with Japanese identification markings, is entered in the premium aircraft of Japan lineup: Fw.190A-5/U-3. The Japanese pilots receive new heavy fighters - premium Ki- 96, armed with two 20mm guns and one 37mm cannon, also the Ki- 102, which in addition to the two 20mm cannon has the most powerful gun caliber - the 57mm gun with a 16 times fragmentation high-explosive shell. Enemy bombers are in big trouble!

New maps for arcade mode - “Paradise Island" and "Green Ridge" The first - a large, spacious map, created after the terrain of the island of Guam. On the ““Paradise Island" was first introduced for the purpose of strategic bombers - the enemy base. The second - a mountain map with deep fjords - perfect for maneuver battles. On some of our familiar maps, numerous changes, corrections, and customization in the behavior of ground vehicles.

The update War Thunder 1.35 introduces a system of titles - the in-game characters differences that pilots receive for performing specific tasks. The tab “Titles “is now available in the player profile. The title of the pilot appears under the name Team War Thunder - it's a great way to show off their success in front of friends or intimidate the enemy!

These and many other innovations are waiting for all pilots War Thunder in the 1.35 update. Fly and win! Props Away!

List of changes in War Thunder v1.35

New Aircraft

Fw-190A-5 (4 x cannons) - tier 10
Bf.109E-1 - tier 5

La-5 - tier 7
La-5F - tier 8
B-25J-30 - premium - tier 9
Yak-3P - tier 11
MiG-15 - tier 20

Curtiss P-36G Hawk - tier 4
North American F-86-F25 Sabre - tier 20
North American F-86-F2 Sabre - tier 20

Great Britain:
Spitfire MK. IIa - tier 5
Spitfire F. MK. IX (Merlin 61 engine) - tier 10
Spitfire LF. MK. IX (Merlin 66 engine) - tier 13

Fw-190A-5/U3 changed to Fw-190A-5 with (4 x cannons)
Ki-96 - premium - tier 10
Ki-102 - tier 10


Improved the speed of the connection to the chat
Added the ability to preview the aircraft skin you want to buy
Added the ability to switch window in modifications.
The list of options for the bomb load on all aircrafts are sorted from low to high load
Fixed crew blocking message when battle ends.
Graphics and visuals
Cockpits added for Pe-2 "Peshka" (all series), Pe-3 and Pe-3R

Cockpits changed for B5N2, Bf-109E-3, Boomerang Mk.I, Boomerang Bk.2, BTD-1, D3A1, F4F-3, F4F-4, F4U-1a, F4U-1c, F4U-1d, F6F-3, F8F-1, F8F-1B, F9F-5, Fw-190A-5, Gladiator Mk.II, I-16 type 28, Ju-87R-2, Ju-87B-2, Ju-87D-3, Ju-87D-5, Ju-87G-1, Ju-87G-2, La-5, La-7, La-7b, LaGG-3 (all modifications), MC.200 series 3, MC.200 series 7

Planes models changed for: Blenheim Mk.IV, BTD-1, F4U-1a, F4U-1c, F4U-1d, Fw-190A-5, P-36G, P-39K-1, P-39N-0, P-39N-0 (SU), P-39Q-15, P-39Q-5, P-51B, P?-2-110, P?-2-205, P?-3 Early, A5M4, A6M2, A6M3, AR-2, AR-234, B5N2, Beaufighter Mk.VIc, Beaufort Mk.VIII, Blenheim Mk.IV, D3A1, Do-217M-1, Do-217n-1, Yer-2, F8F-1, F9F-2, F80c, Fw-190A-5, Fw-190D-12, Fw-190D-13, G8N1, Hs-129B-2, I-16 Type 18, I-16 Type 28, IL-4, Ju-87B-2, S.79 1936, S.79 1937, S.79 1939, S.79 1941, S.79bis, S.79bis/L, S.79B.

Textures and geometry improved for Yak-3
Geometry improved for Fw-190 A and F
Camouflage fixed for Rasmussen's P-36
Armament visuals fixed for Fw-190A5 and BTD.


Rockets launch sound bug fixed
Introduced new sounds for 20mm cannon T-160


When starting the engine of Corsair and similar aircrafts, propeller feathering should no longer lead to bugs
Fixed tail hook on certain carrier based aircrafts
In FRB, whilst aircraft is stationary, the ability to activate an external camera (you can look around and see the runway)
In FRB "Press the button to reload" is displayed to remind pilots to reload weapons on the runway
Control Mode " Mouse Aim " used with with manual control with the keys, the view of the camera is centered on the Player’s aircraft.
Aircraft icons are hidden for opponents in the modes of HB and FRB (to determine the plane is not difficult for experienced players to interpret the icons , even before the start of the battle)
P-40E moved to the tier 5
P-39N and P-39Q-5 moved from tier 6 to tier 7
P-47D-25 and P-47D-28 moved from tier 9 to tier 8
Fw-190A-5/U3 renamed Fw-190A-5/U2
A20G renamed to A20G-30
New multiplyers for unlocking skins and decals: one destroyed target in FRB is now equal to 2 targets in HB or 4 targets in AB
New "Titles" feature is now available in the "Achievements" tab in player's profile.


Error for planes with "New boosters" modification is fixed (modification price is lowered, repairs of the plane with new boosters installed increased accordingly)

DM (Damage Model)

Errors in DM fixed for liquid and air cooled engines (some liquid cooling engines e.g. in Bf.109 were hardly damaged in frontal attacks, while air cooling systems were out of service)
All Tu-2 and Beaufighter aircraft construction errors fixed. Airframes are now require less damage to destroy.
F-80 Shooting Star a bug when with tail being destroyed engine still worked is fixed
FM (Flight Model)
Spitfire F. MK. IX (with merlin 61 engine)
Spitfire LF. MK. IX (with merlin 66 engine)
La-5 and La-5F are more historically accurate
P-39 K-1, P-39Q-5 and P-39N-0 FMs updated
Aircobra bug with flaps speed is fixed
BF-109E-1, BF-109E-3 Fms are updated due to historically accurate data
Flutter speed for La series aircraft is adjusted:
La-5 - 710 km/h
La-5F - 715 km/h
La-5Fn - 725 km/h
La-7 - 740 km/h
La-7-B20 - 740 km/h

Weapons and modifications

Added torpedoes (torpedo AN-45-36) for the IL -4
Fixed options and xp required some ammunition for aircraft with. Total number of belts to be four (early version of the Pe -2 , and Pe-3/Pe-3bis )
Fixed ammunition capacity on IL -2M from 1000 to 450 rounds of ammunition
Added Italian torpedo F200/450 (previously used model of the British torpedo armament in the SM-79 is replaced by an Italian)

Mission and maps

New maps for arcade battles

[Ground strike] Paradise Island previously know as Island of Misfortune
[Ground strike] Green Ridge previously know as Peaks of Despair
New alt history battles
Berlin, Spring 1943
Krymsk. Summer 1943

Changes and fixes

Airfields added for both parties
Landing side for attacking party is changed
Ground units for both sides have been changed, as well as their speed and movement
Ships added for both sides

US can prevent Japanese landings by destroying landing boats before they hit the shore
3 of 4 carriers are not stationary. 4 th carrier moves but then stops in order to make flying boats and naval planes possible to rearm near it
Some destroyers of both parties have been replaced with heavy cruisers
If US pilots won't try to defend the airfield – Japanese ground units may capture it

Operation Iwo Jima
Landing speed is increased
Kamikaze now attack cargo ships as well
Landing boats are spawned from all the ships, not one
Japanese defense positions are changed


Fixed a rare crash when client is run from steam.
Fixed a crash in the mission editor.
Many improvements of networking code , significantly more stable behavior of the aircraft during packet loss
Grafica e evident mai buna decat in WoT, dar modul de joc e arcade la extrem. Nu stiam ca in WW2 tancurile chiar trageau din mers si mai si nimereau ceva, ca un KV1 e atat de agil (ca un T34) si ca optica tragatorilor de tanc e bazata pe binoclurile de plastic pentru copii de 3-4 ani.

Nu inteleg ruseste si nu am priceput ce zicea comentatorul, dar sunt curios daca poti ocupa cu tancurile aerodromurile inamice, daca poti trage in avioane si daca exista antiaeriana (ar fi o clasa interesanta, gen WoT, mai ales bine camuflata si cu niste tunuri duale de 20-30mm).
Cel putin tancurile arata bine si foarte realiste. Mediul inconjurator e posibil sa arate mai bine in WoT. Fizica e ok dar cum zice Adrian is cam prea agile, dar cine vrea simulare reala sa joace Steel Beasts. Banuiesc ca HB vor fi mai realiste, asa cum e si acuma la avioane.

Ideea e misto sa poti juca si cu avioanele simultan fara sa mai iesi.
O sa fie lupte foarte fun cand esti cu tancul si te vaneaza un Stuka si iti iei La-5 sa te razbuni.
De abia astept World War.

Daca as fi de la Wargaming as fi un pic ingrijorat.
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Asa e, Adrian, in Arcade e cam...arcade ca sa zic asa.
Eu astept partea cu Historical unde sper ca hartile o sa fie mai mari decit ce-am vazut acolo si n-o sa pot face drifturi sau looping-uri cu Stug-ul. :D
Initial o sa fie numai 2 natii (rusi si nemti) si probabil doar citeva tancuri in tech-tree. AA-ul este si el planificat daca-mi aduc io bine aminte ce-am cititi dealungul timpului prin forumurile lor.

Pina una-alta si Arcade pare fun pina vine Historical. Deocamdata mi-au placut foarte mult detaliile la tancuri si sunetul la toate cele.