War Thunder (World of Planes)


Manic Miner
Din fericire nu e vorba de World of Warplanes de la WG ci de asta.
F2P ca si WoT (cu toata ca inca nu se stie care-i modelul pe care o sa mearga) si e cu avioane. :D
Este mai mult simulator decit arcade si cam astea erau ultimele informatii despre el (traduse de pe nu's ce site rusesc)

1. The game was announced April 1, 2011.
2. The project has been under development for over a year.
3. Tree will be the development of aircraft, but not pumping style WoT.
4. You will be able to develop the crew: the accuracy of the shooters, their endurance, the pilots - resistance to overloads.
  • a) It can improve the available types of weapons and combat load.
  • b) will not improve the weapons, but there are various modifications of aircraft.
6. Cockpits of bombers, probably will not, but plan to add a cabin and cockpit shooters in the development of the game.
7. We plan to create servers for different countries.
  • a) The flight model (FM) is created from scratch with the experience of Birds of Prey.
  • b) fly almost as well as in CH latest updates, but the flight model (FM) is still in the design and configuration.
  • c) The flight model (FM) in whole history.
9. Customization is available techniques (painting, the possibility of applying the logo, or fire arrows, etc.).
10. The game will be different types of aircraft, but the full list so far been kept secret.
11. Will be able to record video, also plan to add different cameras for video duplication.
12. Jets will be implemented.
13. Planned to create a squad.
14. We plan to create the editor of missions.
15. Will take off from aircraft carriers.
16. Plan to the possibility of co-op between players from different platforms.
17. Instruments in the cockpit will work.
18. Sounds recorded at different planes, including the authentic.
19. Damage model will be improved as compared with CS.
20. Preservation of historical accuracy is an important priority
21. The game will be an arcade mode.
22. Each player will have its own hangar, which can not only admire his airplane, but to put him on various labels

1. World of Planes and analog console Birds of Steel developed on one engine.
2. The game will support widescreen monitors, as well as technology, TripleHead2Go (connecting multiple monitors simultaneously.)
3. The game engine allows you to control tanks and ships, but is not yet known whether such a possibility in the game.

Narrative Part
1. We plan to create a global war, but not immediately.
2. Global War Mode is still in development, and may change before release.

1. Depending on the mode, players can start either from airports, or just in the sky.
2. At the same time take part in the battle on the same card can be up to 32 players, but is technically feasible and more.
  • a) The player will automatically receive information about detected an ally of opponents
  • b) Will take into account blind spots.
  • a) Ammunition and fuel run out.
  • b) We'll have to return to base to refuel and replenish ammunition.
5. Probably will perform such maneuvers as "Immelman" and the like, based on differences in design and aerodynamic stability of aircraft.
6. In the missions will be carried out overnight battle.
7. Will be implemented boost engine.
8. Depending on the mode of the game will be a balance in the number of players.
9. Ballistics will be absolutely realistic.
10. Airplanes may have a different suspension arms - bombs, missiles, etc.
11. According to the last screen shots in the cockpit of aircraft to be traced the arms and legs pilots.

Interface and control
1. By default, you can fly with the keyboard and mouse, but for completeness of sensations, it is desirable to have a joystick.
2. Will be implemented learning system, in order to beginners can quickly learn to fly a plane.
3. It is planned to built-in voice communication in the game, but this is not a priority.
4. Will be implemented fast button commands, by type: attack, need help, at the base, cover, etc.
5. Will support TrackIR.
6. Planned game chat where players can agree on the rules of the upcoming game.

  • a) The maps are similar to CS, up to 100x100 km (usually 65h65).
  • b) If necessary, may increase to 300h300km, and more
  • a) You can destroy houses, trees and bridges, and sometimes even necessary.
  • b) Technically - you can destroy everything, but in the current version - are indestructible airfields (runway).
3. Depending on the card number of airfields to be stagnant.
4. Technically already implemented weather conditions (wind, rain, snow, etc..), But I question that the game is still controversial.
5. Ground combat equipment will move and fight in real time.
6. Will be implemented in different infantry, mostly - stand alone unit
7. Ground units can managing AI and scripts.
8. There will be many different cards for online battles.
9. There will be features for offline play. No further data is not.

1. WoP will have your username and password.
2. The game will be carried out on dedicated servers.
3. On the dial plan alfatest about 50 players.
4. Subscription fees will NOT be.
5. Offline is not a priority for development.
6. DRM protection (hardware protection of intellectual property rights) will NOT be.
7. Will be cooperative.

Un video proaspat cu gameplay-ul din Alpha testing.

Iar asta e ultimul anunt referitor la Closed Beta.

Closed Beta-test of World of Planes estimated to fit thousands of members will start at Q1 2012. We’ll review Beta-test applications and start sending invitations in January 2012.

Io mi-am facut cont la ei din Septembrie si tot sper ca ma invita in Closed Beta. :D

Meet you in the sky sometime...
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Seriously, alt MMO de duzină F2P cu microtranzacții și bad english? :(

Arată bine filmulețul dar mă îndoiesc că așa o să fie și jocul efectiv.
Pai filmuletul e facut in timp ce juca ala varianta Alpha. Si eu cred ca finalul o sa fie si mai misto. :D
Pe mine ma atrage ca pune accent pe simulator si e cu avioane. Ah, si e F2P too.
In sfirsit. Dupa fix 11 luni de asteptare si citeva posturi argatoase pe forumul lor a venit mailu' cu pricina:

Dear Pilot!

Congratulations! You have been invited to Global beta of War Thunder! We hope you will enjoy our unique game universe and atmosphere of War Thunder!

WoT ia o pauza. Si din cite mi-am dat seama din cele 4-5 batalii de aseara o sa fie o pauza cam lunga. :D

Prima impresie este extrem de pozitiva. Jocul arata excelent la retina si se misca natural cu 60 FPS tot timpul (cel putin pina acum).
Ca functionare de baza este identic cu WoT, grinduiesti la credite si XP pentru avansare si-ti pompezi echipajul la skiluri (am de citit o gramada despre ce si cum referitor la optiunile/mecanica jocului si plus de asta nici tastele nu le-am invatat inca). Bineinteles pe bani poti cumpara gold-ul lor care te ajuta la Premium si probabil la alte chestii pe care nu le stiu momentan.

Ca fapt divers deja am luat 2 medalii, una cu un meci cistigat impotriva unor forte superioare si una cum ca am sa devin as ca am doborit 4 avioane (cu o rezerva ruseasca). Kul.
Mare atentie la anti-aeriana ca nu e pusa de decor. M-a doborit un crucisator intr-un meci si in altul o AA terestra.
Am reusit o decolare intr-o misiune istorica si urmeaza sa incerc si o aterizare ca o amerizare (dupa ce am ramas fara combustibil deasupra marii din cauza de rezervor gaurit) n-au prea reusit. :D
N-am alte impresii dupa sesiunea scurta de aseara si sincer nici nu prea stiu ce am voie sa zic si ce nu. Screenshoate/video sigur n-am voie.
Unified account functioneaza? Ca nu ma pot loga desi cica ar trebui sa pot.

PS: Pune poze pe privat. :)
Da Adrian, initial se chema World of Planes dar l-au schimbat pe parcurs in War Thunder (probabil ca se asemana prea mult cu World of Warplanes de la Wargaming).
Nu mai pot da edit la nimic din threadul asta.

Din pacate am scormonit de dimineata tot forumul lor pentru Closed Beta si n-am gasit nimic care sa aduca cit de cit cu un ghid de joc. Macar ceva basic. Nimic tata, e ceata la mal.
Ce am mai dedus intre timp e ca primesti XP/credite pentru orice in care-ti bagi gloantele, incepind cu tinte de la sol/apa si terminind cu avioane-n aer (acolo si crit hit-urile se puncteaza vad ca nu exista 0 damage :D).
Plus de asta daca esti cu avionul lovit/avariat dar inca in stare de zbor te poti intoarce la aeroportul tau, aterizezi si-i faci repair (aici conteaza schilurile echipajului de la sol).
Jocul pare destul de complex si o sa-mi manince ceva timp pina ma prind pe bijbiite ce am de facut.
Mi-a venit si mie invite acum vreo 2 zile, dar nu am apucat sa fac nimic cu el ca nu sunt in Bucuresti pana duminica. Pana atunci sper ca descarca tot jocul :p
Prima impresie: arata bine, se misca bine (3x FPS fata de WoT), se controleaza onorabil pe KM (nu suficient pentru figuri de acrobatie, pentru un tonou trebuie joystick), pe "Realistic" am facut 2 decolari si aterizari la rand (sunt bune la ceva si lectiile de pilotaj la Ciolpani :) ), doar ca nu m-am prins ce trebuia sa fac in misiunea "Test flight". Fata de WoW, cu care seamana mult ca si concept, este mult mai finisat si mai bine organizat, WT e aproape jucabil. La ambele interfata de research si modules nu prea e prietenoasa, clara sau intuitiva precum cea din WoT (oare de ce? mai ales ca la WoW nu au nici o scuza sa nu o copieze direct), dar macar la WT e utilizabila in timp ce la WoW nu m-am prins nici acum cum ar trebui sa functioneze.
Fata de WoW, cu care seamana mult ca si concept, este mult mai finisat si mai bine organizat, WT e aproape jucabil. La ambele interfata de research si modules nu prea e prietenoasa, clara sau intuitiva precum cea din WoT (oare de ce? mai ales ca la WoW nu au nici o scuza sa nu o copieze direct), dar macar la WT e utilizabila in timp ce la WoW nu m-am prins nici acum cum ar trebui sa functioneze.

Sper că te referi la World of Warplanes, nu la World of Warcraft :)
Din curiozitate l-am mai pornit aseara. A facut un update vreo 2 ore, apoi am descoperit ca in ultimele luni nu s-a intamplat nimic pe-acolo - nimic nou in joc, meniuri goale, jucatori putini, gameplay slabut. Cu avionul gratuit de start am nimerit in misiune cu niste avioane end-war si zicea cineva ca sunt si unele cu reactie; am nimerit si eu pe altii, dar am murit de 2 ori fara sa ma prind ca cineva trage in mine si mai ales fara sa ma prind ce trebuia sa fac in misiunea aia (arcade, airport defense).
L-am pornit si io acu' fo' 2 saptamini si am decoperit ca-l pot juca cu mouse-ul mai bine decit cu joysticu'. :D
Spitfire-ul din garaj a trecut brusc de la Tier 6 la Tier 12 si in rest cam la fel.

Adi, MM-ul inca nu e functional la citi jucatori sunt online. Am dat si eu de Meteor cind zburam voios cu un biplan. :D
Iar despre misiuni da. Cam stupide. Mie imi place sa joc figher dar misiunile cam toate-ti cer sa distrugi tinte la sol asa ca e cam meh.
Deci carevasazica a mai trecut ceva vreme si io m-am lasat de WoT si m-am apucat de asta. E belea si in toamna apar si tancurile.

Daca vrea cineva sa-l incerce poate folosi link-ul asta cu referalul meu la inscriere si primeste 50 golzi moka.


PS. Io nu primesc nimic acu' doar daca respectivul joaca si inainteaza in tier-uri o sa-mi scape si mie ceva goldeanu moka la Sf. Asteapta. :D