StarCraft II - Hell, it's about time.

Singurul lucru pe care il pot face niste sentries (2-3 cate o sa aiba el la 60 food) e sa-ti blocheze o rampa. Care n-o sa te impiedice prea mult daca ai venit la scoutat cu o cladire cu mult HP gen baraca. Daca ai destul noroc sa faca un artosis pilon, marinii si marauderii il cocoseaza. Daca nu, pierde un gateway si poate un cyber core, si iar e futut. Marauderii cu stim si conc kiteaza sanatos zelotii si marinii in numere suficiente (vreo 8-10) sunt suficienti sa dea de pamant cu imortalii lui fara suportul zelotilor. Incearca si vezi cum iese, in cel mai rau caz pierzi un joc, in cel mai bun caz ai o metoda buna de a castiga niste match-up-uri dificile. Spilul e sa scoutezi inainte sa te asiguri ca n-are girafe, ca ai 0 sanse sa te urci peste el in baza fara medivaci daca pe high ground e un colos (chiar si fara extended thermal lance). L.E: In aia 60 food ar fi super sa ai si un ghost cu 1 EMP.
Rezultatul e invariabil forcefield la jumătatea rampei cînd ataci, armata tăiată în două, și ăia prinși sus măcelăriți în timp ce ăia de jos nu ajung să tragă peste forcefield (vision ai oricum). Ăsta e și motivul pentru care am renunțat la 3 rax stim. Cu ghost e altceva, dar dacă nu poți să cîștigi pe loc, și scoate colossus (as he should, dat fiind că tu ai doar infanterie), ești cu pantalonii în vine că ți-ai întîrziat starport-ul pentru ghost academy. Plus că și adversarul face scouting. :p

PS: 2-rax FE into mech în TvZ e Demuslim certified: 2-rax pressure (lings) FE, into 3-factory blue flame hellion harass (roach), into siege tank (gg).
Joacă cineva Marine split challenge?, să comparăm e-peen. :D Io am ajuns la level 10 fără stim, și la 19 cu stim.

Aș trece la terran dacă n-ar fi deja rasa mea de bază. :approve:
Mi se pare mie sau terranii coreeni îți trolluiesc adversarii urît de tot la MLG Orlando? Adică Bomber ține roach/ling push doar cu marines cu stutter step, și termină meciul cu 5-base 16-rax mass marine. :B

Iar MKP își mută CC la gold :D, pe Metalopolis, și face elevator drop cu marine/hellion/tank = dead zerg. Și în al doilea meci face 3-reactor factory mass hellion și practic prăjește toată baza adversarului. N-ați văzut nimic pînă n-ați văzut hellions omorînd roaches. :rotf:

Mi se pare un fel de a spune, „uite, pot să te bat folosind o singură unitate”.
Dear sweet merciful God, tocmai am vazut Idra vs Boxer (ZvT) live la MLG, nu va stric surpriza, dar ultimele meciuri au fost geniale. Daca aveti ocazia intrati pe probabil o sa prindeti niste reruns in orele/zilele urmatoare (dupa ce se termina turneul). Boxer s-a jucat cu creierul lui Idra in mod incredibil, iar comentariul a fost pe masura (Tasteless & Artosis!)

Edit: e inca live, deci daca sunteti online uitati-va, acum joaca Idra cu HongUn
Dezamăgit de T, mai ales vs. Z. Boxer a făcut niște chestii interesante, dar, cînd a jucat standard, a pierdut. Bomber i-a luat un meci lui Idra cu ghosts, după care a revenit - nu înțeleg de ce - la marine/tank și a pierdut.

O fi așa greu să-l copiezi pe Mvp?
IdrA este zeul macro-ului, el se simte cel mai bine in jocuri standard, "non-gimmicky", iar atunci bate de usuca aproape orice prinde. Problema e ca nu poti face pe orice harta smecherii care sa si mearga vs IdrA, iar in plus dupa ce Boxer i-a tras niste meciuri dinastea ciudate si-a dublat scoutingul in ultimul meci.
Cat despre Bomber nu stiu. Link the game :D
Lecții, nu, dar pot să fiu backseat driver și să remarc greșeli superficiale pe care le fac toți și care nu au nici un efect asupra jocului. :D :B

PS: Probabil că Mvp nu o să participe la MLG Providence pentru că nu are un loc în winners bracket, ceea ce înseamnă că ar trebui să treacă prin losers bracket - ceea ce ar fi foarte nașpa pentru cei 256 de inși de acolo :D, dar probabil prea obositor pentru el.
Wat? Ca sa ajungi in losers bracket trebuie sa pierzi prima runda de calificari, nu e lumea bagata direct... poate sunt niste seeds, dar winners bracket nu se umple asa din prima si restul sa ajunga in losers...
Vream să zic open bracket, nu losers bracket. Ideea e că sistemul actual de puncte e stupid, pentru că a cîștiga singurul MLG la care participi (cazul lui Mvp) valorează mai puțin decît a fi ultima zdreanță, dar a participa la toate. Motiv pentru care Mvp n-are seed.

Am inteles ce ai spus, dar: doar 12 locuri, 8 seeds, deci nu are loc. Tough. Pe de alta parte nu cred ca e atat de obositor sa treaca prin open bracket, la valoarea lui ar trebui sa-i distruga pe aia, abia se incalzeste un pic.
Mîine începe BlizzCon. Participă NesTea, Mvp și 14 pierzători. Deci finală NesTea - Mvp, și cîștigă Mvp pentru că îndeplinește ambele condiții necesare - e coreean și joacă terran. :hihi:

Upon analyzing data from their most recent battles, the protoss have identified a few areas of improvement that would help them maximize effectiveness against their enemies. Based on their findings, the protoss have augmented their arsenal with a second psionic unit, a new way to counter flocks of Mutalisks, and a new form of enemy harassment.

Description: The tempest is a new capital ship that deals massive area-of-effect damage to air units. It also has a standard ground attack, but its chief role is to help gain air superiority.

Description: The Oracle is a psionic warship, built from a Stargate, that uses several unique abilities to raid and harass the enemy. The first is Entomb, which can temporarily block mineral fields from being harvested. Another ability, Preordain, grants vision of a targeted enemy building, allowing the protoss to see which units or technologies are being researched. Rounding out its kit is Phase Shift, which phases a target building, preventing it from being attacked, using its abilities, or granting technology. Not only can structures like missile turrets be prevented from attacking, but using this ability on a zerg Spire would block the production of Mutalisks, Corruptors, and air upgrades.

Description: Replicants have one ability: to transform itself into any non-massive unit. They're expensive, so cloning a Zergling would not be very cost effective, but transforming into a specialized unit like a Raven, Infestor, or Siege Tank could open up interesting strategic options for the protoss.

New Abilities
A new ability called Arc Shield has also been added to the nexus -- this ability will temporarily add additional shield and building armor, as well as a weapon very similar to a photon cannon. The weapon does the same amount of damage as a regular photon cannon but only damages light units. This ability will help the protoss buy time to defend in the case of an unexpected drop from an enemy. Another ability, Mass Recall, has also been added to the nexus, which allows protoss players to teleport armies from out in the field back to the nexus. The recalled units are stunned for a few seconds when recalled.

Retired Units
As we add units to the multiplayer game, sometimes it’s necessary to remove units or alter others’ abilities to maintain game balance and eliminate redundancy. In the current design of Heart of the Swarm, the protoss are not able to deploy Motherships and Carriers, though these and other units that don’t exist in Heart of the Swarm multiplayer will still be available in Wings of Liberty multiplayer and the solo campaign.


The resourceful terrans have also been improving their technology to better survive their battles in the Koprulu sector.

Description: The Shredder is a new unit built from the Factory that allows the terran player to control the battlefield. In its mobile form, the Shredder has no attack -- but when set to stationary mode, it channels area-effect damage to both the air and ground. If a friendly unit enters the range of the Shredder, the weapon shuts off.

Description: The Warhound is a small, walking ground mech that wields an effective anti-air weapon with splash damage, much like the Thor from Wings of Liberty. The difference is that the Warhound is smaller and much more nimble, though it gives up some range on its anti-air missiles in exchange for this mobility. The Warhound also wields a small ground attack weapon that does additional damage to mechanical units, making it particularly well suited to taking out enemy Siege Tanks -- though it's not particularly effective against non-mechanical units.

Thor (Modified)
Description: While it was always quite effective against ground and air, one of the biggest problems with the Thor has been that it’s too big and bulky to move around well... so the terrans decided to made it even bigger. In Heart of the Swarm multiplayer, terran players will be limited to having only one Thor at a time, but this new behemoth hits even harder with its regular ground weapons and can absorb a tremendous amount of damage. The terrans have also swapped out the Thor's anti-air weapons for a bombardment ability that does a huge amount of damage to a wide swath of ground. The Thor will need time to set up its bombardment cannons, as well as time to repack them after an attack, much like a Siege Tank. Of course, fielding such a powerful weapon requires a hefty investment in technology, so both an Armory and a Fusion Core will be required before a Thor can be built.

New Abilities
The Hellion has been upgraded to a transforming unit similar to the Viking. When transformed into its new battle mode, the Hellion will gain in hit points and get a stronger flame attack that covers a short arc in front of it. This makes the Hellion more effective in late-game fights against large clusters of light units such as Zealots. The Ghost’s Cloak ability has also been modified -- it will no longer be a toggled effect. Instead, there will be a one-time energy cost to activate Cloak for a specific time duration. Energy regeneration will continue while cloaked, and Ghosts can re-cloak while nuking without interrupting the call-down. The Battlecruiser will gain a speed-boost ability called Redline Reactor, which is governed by a cooldown. And finally, the Reaper no longer has a special building attack, but instead has a passive health-regeneration that allows it to recharge hit points quickly when out of combat.


The zerg continue to evolve and adapt to changing environments, particularly the dangers they face on the battlefield. New creatures will help the zerg stage more effective sieges and add unique enemy-manipulating abilities to their arsenal.

Description: The Viper is a new flying unit with three unique abilities. Blinding Cloud temporarily reduces the attack range of all ground units inside the cloud to melee range, and prevents energy-based abilities from being used. Abduct allows the Viper to physically pull a unit to the Viper’s location. Finally, the Viper has a one-time ability called Ocular Parasite, which allows it to detach its eye stalk and meld it onto any friendly, non-massive unit, turning that unit into a detector.

Swarm Host
Description: The Swarm Host is a slow-moving ground unit that has no standard attack. When burrowed, the Swarm Host spawns a continuous stream of slow-moving melee units called Locusts that can be used to lay siege and pressure entrenched enemy positions.

New Abilities
The Corruptor's Corruption ability has been replaced by a new ability called Siphon that allows Corruptors to target buildings and slowly damage them. This damage is converted into resources for the zerg at the same time. Ultralisks have a new Burrow Charge skill that lets them dive underground and instantly surface at a target, allowing them to initiate the fight faster on a crowded battlefield. Finally, the Baneling has evolved tunneling claws similar to the Roach, which allows them to move while burrowed -- this new evolution will mean other races will need to be even more wary about hidden drops and making sure to have detectors with their army. Finally, the Hydralisk has a new upgrade that allows them to move faster while not on creep.

Retired Units
The Overseer has been cut; its detection ability has been replaced by the Viper and its Ocular Parasite.

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