In other news, cum arată "cealaltă parte", adică fraierii care folosesc platformele google
I still hate Yahoo for doing the same shit with my first ever webmail account. Mai ales că nu aveau forwarding gratuit, așa că nu aveai de unde afla că măgarii îți vor șterge ani de istoric de email și chat.Dacă aveți conturi de Google mai vechi, merită să citiți știrea de mai jos.
Google a trimis deja avertizări pe tema aceasta, dar merită reactualizată informația.
Google to begin deleting Gmail accounts in December - here's how to save yours - Dublin Live
Starting December this year, if a Google Account has not been used or signed into for at least two years, Google may delete the account and its contents – including content within Google Workspace (Gmail, Docs, Drive, Meet, Calendar), YouTube and Google Photos. The new policy only applies to personal Google Accounts, and "will not affect accounts for organisations like schools or businesses".
The purge is going to be rolled out "slowly and carefully, with plenty of notice". The first accounts to go would be those created and never used again.
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