The advantage to having so many data centers goes beyond simple redundancy and fault tolerance. They get Google closer to users, reducing latency. They offer inter-datacenter communication and load-balancing using that no-longer-dark fiber Google owns. But most especially, they offer super-high bandwidth connections at all peering ISPs at little or no incremental cost to Google.
Where some other outfit might put a router, Google is putting an entire data center, and the results are profound. Take Internet TV as an example. Replicating that Victoria's Secret lingerie show that took down years ago would be a non-event for Google. The video feed would be multicast over the private fiber network to 300+ data centers, where it would be injected at gigabit speeds into each peering ISP. Viewers watching later would be reading from a locally cached copy.
You build armies to go around the world and capture cities. The cities all have a “value”, which is based on their population. The total value of all of the cities in your control is called your “total value”. The person with the highest “total value” is the one that is currently winning the game (and on top of the top players list). You can attack (and capture) cities using your armies. Armies (and other items) can be purchased using “Geos” that you can earn.
Google - a proud member of the great firewall of China!SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Web search leader Google Inc. said on Tuesday that it was introducing a new service for China that seeks to avoid a confrontation with the government by restricting access to services to which users contribute such as e-mail, chat rooms and blogs.
The new Chinese service at will offer a self-censored version of Google's popular search system that restricts access to thousands of terms and Web sites.
Doar că Yahoo! nu fac pe sfinţii, nu şi-au trecut în prospectul de emisie al acţiunilor teorii despre "Don't be evil!" etc.Originally posted by jarod
Păi nu fac altceva decât să respecte legislaţia chineză. Drept îi că au cam deraiat de la freedom of speech şi astea, dar nu cred că tre făcuţi troacă de porci. La fel (sau mai rău) au făcut şi ceilalţi. Din ce-am înţeles, Yahoo! le-a dat chinezilor numele unui blogger care a scris „împotriva” regimului şi ăla acuma înfundă puşcăria 10 ani...
Şi ar merita menţionat că, spre deosebire de Google, celelalte două nu au obiceiul să îţi pună cookies care să îţi lege istoricul de căutare de username. În plus, toată miorlăiala aceea cu Justice Department mi se pare pură campanie publicitară.Originally posted by Ch3m1kal
Ar merita mentionat aici si scandalul dintre guvernul SUA si Google pe marginea refuzului acestora de a divulga log-urile de la search engine.
Spre deosebire de Yahoo si MSN care s-au conformat pe loc.