Noutăţi despre procesoarele AMD

Pentru desktop mi se pare mai util un dual-core la 3 GHz si TDP de 65W decat un quad-core la 2.6 GHz si TDP de 89W. Sau chiar dual-core 2.5 GHz la 45W, cu SSE "reparat" si alte mici imbunatatiri din Phenom e suficient de puternic si "tacut" pentru 95% din cumparatori.
AMD's Phenom Unveiled: A Somber Farewell to K8
If you were looking for a changing of the guard today it's just not going to happen. Phenom is, clock for clock, slower than Core 2 and the chips aren't yet yielding well enough to boost clock speeds above what Intel is capable of. While AMD just introduced its first 2.2GHz and 2.3GHz quad-core CPUs today, Intel previewed its first 3.2GHz quad-core chips. [...] today's launch confirms that Intel is still the king of the quad-core market.
Intel are mana libera sa creasca preturile pentru Peryn. Justificari au destule.
Pe Yahoo era o stire cum ca-si propun ca in 2008 sa intre in profitabilitate, asta dupa ce au declarat ca o analiza ulterioara a dovedit ca au platit pe ATI mai mult decat merita.

(Fresh system, fresh Windows, traba diacritice.)
Pai, daca nu ma insel, in momentul actual parca AMD valoreaza mai putin decat au dat pe ATi. Dar chiar nu mai stiu pe unde am citit asta.
AMD Phenom B3 stepping confirmed to fix TLB erratum

Since not long after the release of AMD's Phenom series of CPUs, we've been informed that the infamous TLB erratum which plagues these parts, impacting their performance, will be fixed in a forthcoming 'B3' stepping. However, this assertion has been thrown into doubt in recent days due to an article on French web site EreNumeRique, which was later picked up by The Inquirer, suggesting that the erratum had not been fixed in the 'B3' stepping, creating the need for AMD to go back to the drawing board yet again for another spin of the silicon.

After reading this potentially worrying story, we contacted AMD to get their take on the matter straight from the horse's mouth. Their response couldn't have been much clearer, as they stated that the story surrounding 'B3' silicon not fixing the TLB issue is "simply not true", and that "B3 silicon does not have the TLB erratum. It is fixed.".
AMD Phenom 9600 Black Edition review @

The Phenom 9600 is a product which performs poorly. Now, you can argue that in the grand scheme of things it's still a fast chip, and I can accept that much - You could still happily use such a part to run most of the latest applications and games without wanting for speed - But as soon as you put it up against the current competition from Intel... Well, the fact is that there isn't any competition for Intel. As our results here have seen, a Core 2 Quad Q6600 simply wipes the floor with the Phenom 9600 in virtually every application you can think of, and often by quite a large degree.
Nasol. :( Nu vreau Intel only, vreau concurenta, procesoare apropiate, atat dpdv al performantei, cat si al pretului.
Nu stiu cum o fi pe la altii dar la mine exista o diferenta de aproape 50 de dolari intre cel mai ieftin quad-core de la Intel, Q6600, si cel mai ieftin Phenom, adica 9500 care merge la 100 mhz sub 9600-ul folosit in acel test. Asa ca stai calm dreamer, daca analizezi mai sec o sa observi ca AMD este in continuare o alternativa reala...
Dacă ar fi să recomand cuiva un sistem normal, din prima aş alege AMD. Pentru mine nu aş alege aşa ceva decât pentru un HTC de exemplu, altfel nu m-aş simţi bine (de aia am şi un Q6600 care suflă la picioare). Dar cum am spus la început, majoritatea nu o să simtă şi nu o să aibă nevoie de altceva decât ceea ce oferă AMD. Când te mai gândeşti şi la preţ, începi să înţelegi şi mai bine.