Noi apariţii/versiuni de software popular 2.0.4 2.0.4 is a significant release and recommended for all. New features, bugfixes, and improvements include:

* Enhanced PDF management
* Direct export to LaTex
* New functionality in Calc and Impress
* Mac OS X (X11) now uses system fonts
* And more...

And our most important feature: Our improved Extensions management. Developers everywhere are invited to write extensions. To learn more, visit our Extensions Project.
A fost lansata versiunea finala a .Net Framework 3.0. Deja inclusa in Vista, este disponibila si pentru Win2003 si XP (wiki).

Asigura compatibilitatea cu versiunile anterioare si instaleaza un serviciu suplimentar denumit Windows CardSpace. :( Acesta, ca si multe alte servicii, nu este necesar in majoritatea cazurilor si poate fi oprit.:)
IZArc 3.6 (Build 1260)
-Added support for BZip compression for ZIP archives (WinZip 9 compatible)
-Added support for ZIP AES (128, 192 and 256 bit) encryption (WinZip 9 compatible)
-Added support for archives > 4GB
-Added support for store empty subfolders
-Improved "Add files" dialog
-Added different icons for every archive type that is associated with IZArc
-Added "Clear History" option
-Added "Import/Export Settings" options
-Removed file browser. Now IZArc starts faster
-Fixed: extracting of GZip (.gz) archives
-Fixed: extracting files with duplicated names in archives by drag and drop
-Fixed: update of status bar when select files using keyboard
-Fixed: progress bar status when compress/extract 7-Zip archives
-Fixed: using Windows colors for IZArc main controls
-Removed error message when open empty ZIP archives
-Date format used by IZArc is synchronized with Windows current date format
-Updated 7-zip32, UnAce and UnRar DLL libraries
-Some small improvements and bugs fixing
Originally posted by Thor
Asigura compatibilitatea cu versiunile anterioare si instaleaza un serviciu suplimentar denumit Windows CardSpace. :( Acesta, ca si multe alte servicii, nu este necesar in majoritatea cazurilor si poate fi oprit.:)
La mine, s-a instalat cu pornire manuală. Deci nu deranjează.
WinZip 11.0 (Standard şi Pro) - What's New.
Like WinZip 10.0, you can select WinZip 11.0 with Standard or Pro features, and both offer compression enhancements that make WinZip 11.0 the most versatile WinZip ever. Our new "best compression" option allows you to let WinZip decide the best compression method for each file based on the file type. This will ensure that you maximize the compression of every file that you add to your Zip file. WinZip 11.0 also allows you to better zip .wav music files without compromising the integrity of the file or its sound quality. What's more, if you need to open a .BZ2 or .RAR file, WinZip can now be your tool of choice.
Songbird 0.2.1 Developer Preview

Fişierele audio suportate momentan sunt MPEG Audio (mpga), MPEG Layer 3 (mp3), MP4 Audio (mp4a), Ogg Vorbis, Speex, AAC, WMA şi FLAC, cu posibilitatea extinderii ulterioare. More features here.

Prima versiune finală destinată "publicului larg" (1.0) va fi disponibilă abia în 2007, dar playerul mi se pare destul de interesant chiar şi în stadiul actual. :)
JetBrains au decis să-şi facă gama de produse Omea open-source. Primul pas în acest sens a fost decizia de a oferi gratuit şi Omea Pro (un organizer destul de complex, actualmente aflat la versiunea 2.1.6), alături de Omea Reader.

Aplicaţia poate fi descărcată de aici şi necesită un key obţinut gratuit de la acelaşi link.
GetRight 6.1
- Added so when your download has finished, GetRight will show a simple tip window to let you run the file, open the folder, etc
- Added support for the BitTorrent DHT Network protocol
- Added GetRight Channels. Allows us to recommend things we use ourselves to you
- BitTorrent improvements and fixes
- Windows Vista fixes
Neinteresant, soft-ul e cam acelaşi de când îl folosesc, şi anume de vreo 4 ani. :mda: