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Pentru cea mai recenta versiune a Media Player Classic ( se pare ca nu exista changelog. :confused:

What's New in Bitcomet 0.63:
- GUI Improved: fix the bug that somtimes torrent file can't be open properly after downloaded in BitComet embedded browser
- Core Improved: Remove the old protocol header encryption, add new protocol encryption compatible with Azureus and uTorrent

Sper ca a scapat de problemele cu DHT-ul, care au determinat multe trackere sa-l baneze.
foobar2000 0.9

foobar2000 0.9.
- Reworked UI structure, removed various redundant / rarely used features.
- New: Media Library, replacing old “database” functionality.
- Improved playlist management - better handling of multiple playlists, native multilevel undo and more.
- Changes in title formatting script (field remappings) to make common operations easier.
- New: Converter, replacing old “Diskwriter” component. Includes album image writing (cuesheet creation, direct encoding to MP4 with chapters), preview generation and multi-CPU optimizations. Most popular encoders are supported out-of-the-box; more encoders can be added using generic commandline encoder setup.
- Improved support for specific file formats: faster tag updates with MP3 and FLAC, new native ID3v2 support, rewritten MP4 support now including chapters, rewritten cuesheet handling with improved handling of embedded cuesheets, improved AAC streaming support, and more.
- Various speed optimizations, improved UI responsivity during time-consuming operations; better handling of overkill playlist scripts.
- New: file type associations page in preferences.
- New and improved ReplayGain scanner with proper multichannel support and multi-CPU optimizations; now with option to apply RG adjustment directly to audio data in MP3 files.
- Improved audio CD support, with simple secure ripping functionality.
- Rewritten network code.
- Improved security by replacing various third party libraries with own implementations.
- Various usability improvements.
- Dropped Windows 95/98/ME/NT4 OS support. Windows 2000, XP or newer is now required.

Audiofil, frate!
Şi ce aduce nou 7.5 faţă de 7.0?

LE: am postat în acelaşi timp şi eu. În afară de bannere mai aduce ceva nou? :D
Originally posted by hulubei
În afară de bannere mai aduce ceva nou? :D
Funcţiile "Phone In" şi "Phone Out" (pentru convorbiri la tarife reduse cu reţele de telefonie fixă sau mobilă)... care încă nu sunt funcţionabile la noi, afaik.
Si nu cred ca vor functiona in viitorul apropiat. Despre ce bannere e vorba? Ca mie nu mi se pare ceva diferit fata de 6 (in afara de un usor redesign).
În 7.5 e un banner jos, sub lista de contacts. Nu e supărător în sine, dar existenţa lui e deranjantă.

Iar SMS-urile erau într-adevăr introduse din versiunile anterioare şi, afaik, funcţionau cumva şi în .Ro - dar numai cu anumite telefoane.
DOSBox 0.65

* 4/15/16/32bpp VESA mode support
* Lot's of fixes for better vga compatibility
* Improved CGA composite output
* Added video capturing to avi
* Improved screen updating for more speed
* PCjr machine mode added
* Speedup cpu cores and fix endian issues
* FPU core speedup with assembly
* Improved keyboard and bios handling
* Lockfree mouse mode added again
* Improved builtin dos with umbs and better fat support
* Added VCPI emulation and fixed some issues with ems
* Improved support for booter games
* Modem and IPX support improved for multiplayer
* Countless other bugfixes and features added
WinRAR 3.60 beta 1, cea mai importantă îmbunătăţire fiind legată de optimizarea pentru procesoarele dual-core. Oricum, se pare că şi celelalte procesoare vor avea parte de creşteri de 5-15% la capitolul viteză de compresie.
Azi am avut neplacuta surpriza sa fiu anuntat de catre Opera 8.53 (fara a fi solicitat acest lucru) ca a aparut o noua versiune... Cum sunt total impotriva ideii ca softul face ce vrea el si nu ce vrei tu, am cautat "botonul" care dezactiveaza optiunea de "check for new version at startup". Lipsa. Mrrrr... :mad: