Open source is not open source software, and open source is not an organization. Open source is a model and we should treat it as such. Further, as an economic model, it competes with capitalism.
Iată ce înseamnă adoptarea sistemului prost de patente din SUA.A cursory search revealed that the Linux 'base client', which the city of Munich plans to install on the desktop computers of approximately 14,000 employees, is in conflict with more than 50 European software patents
I decided to investigate how easy it was to recover deleted files in Linux and came to the conclusion that using secure file deletion utilities is a must for safely deleting data. When files are removed in linux they are only un-linked but their inodes (addresses in the disk where the file is actually present) is not removed. This concept will be quite handy while recovering deleted files. Now i won't discuss specialized software but rather stick to utilities commonly present in linux distros.
Cum era de aşteptat.The biggest proportion of attacks on Linux systems come from authorized users, and most were enabled by security misconfigurations, according to a new survey of Linux developers from Evans Data.
Asta e deja surpriză (dar nu pentru mineIn a survey of more than 400 developers and IT managers last month, the largest proportion of respondents -- 25 percent -- said Linux was the most secure platform, followed closely by Windows 2003 at 19 percent.
Am subliniat pentru cei care cred că există soft consumer-level fără bug-uri.Of the 22 percent of admitted hacks, the largest proportion -- 23 percent -- were by internal users with valid login IDs, respondents said. The top factor allowing the attack was misconfiguration, at 13 percent, followed by Internet service vulnerabilities (8.2 percent) and Web server flaws (8.0 percent). Linux kernel flaws allowed 5.5 percent of the attacks, Evans said. Examples of misconfiguration include forgetting to put a server behind a firewall and improperly enabling the firewall.
Dintotdeauna.In last month's security survey, Evans found that the biggest proportion of developers, one in four, said the biggest problem in implementing security was "social engineering", that is, users' lack of adherence to security policies.
Winners of Product Excellence Awards Announced at LinuxWorld Conference & ExpoThe call for bids was supposed to be published in late July, but the Munich Green Party had pointed out about 50 possible patent conflicts which the city wants to evaluate before moving on. noticed just now that today is August 16, which means it's been 11 years to the day since I posted a message to comp.os.linux declaring "the imminent completion of [...] the Debian Linux Release".
Thanks to its speed and stability, MySQL has earned a place on millions of servers worldwide. MySQL has a simple and effective security mechanism, but administrators must perform a few additional tasks to make a default installation truly secure. The measures we'll talk about below will enable you to better secure your database, but be sure to secure the underlying operating system too.
Is Linux secure enough to successfully operate the government and military's most critical IT applications?
The United States government sure thinks so. A recent survey conducted by the Mitre Group found 251 Department of Defense deployments of Linux and other open source software. Not only is the United States government sponsoring hundreds of open source projects, it has been reported that open source applications have become major components in the IT infrastructure at the Pentagon.