UPS Assistant
Sta in tray si monitorizeza un UPS serial/USB. Merge cu Mustek, probabil si altele.
Afiseaza diverse, face test, etc. Stie shutdown, suspend, hibernare, email SMTP cu SSL cu tot, etc. cand pica curentul.
Guard Assistant
Program de 500 KB care face capturi de imagini la intervale regulate si le salveaza intr-un director. De acolo le poate "servi" prin http si/sau ftp.
Nu-i gratis, dar are 2.5 MB cu totul din care 1 MB e openssl-ul.
TinCam is a powerful webcam program that will update your homepage with webcam pictures or a live video stream.
Key features: FTP upload, HTTP image server, runs i system tray, multiple camera support, live video streaming, motion detection, scheduled or interval updates, easily creates and uploads a webcam webpage, advanced captions, overlay image, image effects, security cam: get email on motion detection, great help system and more...
Webcam Diagnostics
Diagnostic pentru webcam. In cazul in care nu-ti merge.
Captcha Alert
Face beep/ding/etc. cand apare o noua fereastra captcha. De folosit impreuna cu jDownloader pentru site-urile care te pun sa astepti minute-ore pentru un download si apoi te pun sa completezi captcha sa poti downloada. Programul asta iti atrage atentia.
NSSM: The Non-Sucking Service Manager
NSSM is a service helper program similar to srvany and cygrunsrv. It can start any application as an NT service and will restart the service if it fails for any reason. NSSM also has a graphical service installer and remover.
Window N-are site.
Luati de la mine cu guest:friend.
Program in linia de comanda care muta/redimensioneaza fereastra consolei. De folosit in batch-uri atunci cand vrei ca acea fereastra DOS sa iti apara intr-un anumit loc sau cu o anumita marime.