Noi apariţii/versiuni de software pentru Linux

This looks awesome: LinuxMCE.
Version 1.0

Media & Entertainment
• 3D alpha-blended GUI optimized for displaying on a TV and using a remote control
• Media browser presenting all content on all devices in the home on a 3D rotating cube
• Plug-and-play detection and aggregation of network storage and DMA's
• Built-in NAS providing centralized backup and whole-house media server
• "Follow Me" Media, each family member's media follows him/her through the house
• Automatically controls all existing av devices, like TV's, Stereo's, etc.)
• Many control options: mobile phone, webpad, pda, phone

Smart Home
• Home Automation: Control lighting, climate, security, camera surveillance, and more
• Communication: Phone system with auto-attendant, voice mail, call forwarding/routing for VOIP and POTS lines
• Security: Uses your existing home alarm, surveillance cameras, lights, phones and tv's to notify you on your mobile phone of any security alerts with the option of reseting the alarm or broadcasting your voice in the house over the tv's

P.S. Ştiu de MythTV etc., dar m-a atras ideea de soluţie la cheie, de simplu add-on la Ubuntu.
Mai exact, cum controleaza acel linux toate dispozitivele? Relee controlate prin porturi? Audio prin fire? Wireless pt restul?

Cred ca trebuia sa postezi la topicul de "Programe de care n-a auzit nimeni".
Prin protocolul X10 şi interfaţa hardware pe care ţi-o cumperi (plus switch-uri etc. X10-aware, în casă).
X10 is an international and open industry standard for communication among devices used for home automation and domotics. It primarily uses power line wiring for signalling and control, where the signals involve brief radio frequency bursts representing digital information. A radio based transport is also defined.
E o întreagă industrie în jurul lui X10. Un exemplu.

Oricum, partea cu automation e secundară. Eu am postat mai ales pe ideea de alternativă de server media.
Cred ca trebuia sa postezi la topicul de "Programe de care n-a auzit nimeni".
Pe la noi nici nu e de asteptat sa auda lumea, desi mare parte din dezvoltarea "chestiilor" care stau la baza LinuxMCE s-a facut in Ro, la Iasi. Acu isi "ia zborul" in State.

Prin protocolul X10 şi interfaţa hardware pe care ţi-o cumperi (plus switch-uri etc. X10-aware, în casă).

X10 out of the box probabil. Cum se bazeaza pe Pluto, poate fi facut usor sa se pupe cu orice stie RS232, si in genere cu orice :D.
http://[URLCedega 6.0, cu surle şi trâmbiţe.
  • GLSL
  • Shader Model 2.0
  • Point size, scaling, sprites
  • Volume textures
  • Floating point textures
  • FBO Re-write
  • Support for new FBO extensions
  • New memory allocator
  • Optimized file operations
  • Anti-Aliasing
  • Improved ALSA
  • Dmix and MMap
  • Improved multimedia timer thread
  • Dynamic CPU speed support
  • Improved joystick functionality
  • D-Bus improvements
  • Steam improvements
  • Improvements for ATI users
  • Copy Protection improvements (SafeDisc 4.x)
  • Cedega UI Improvements
  • Ubuntu Edgy fixes
  • GDDB multiple volume support
  • Updated GDDB files
  • Improved mount handling
  • Improved richedit support
  • Networking improvements
Ubuntu 7.04

Din ce-mi amintesc, vine cu kernel 2.6.20, Xorg 7.2, Gnome 2.18, Windows migration tool şi oferă posibilitatea instalării de codecuri proprietare mai uşor.
A apărut Google Desktop for Linux.
Google Desktop for Linux makes searching your computer as easy as searching the web with Google. Not only can you rediscover important documents that have been idling on your hard drive for years, but you can also search through emails saved in Gmail or other applications. All office files, including documents and slides created with can be easily found. Since some Linux users are program developers, Google Desktop was designed with the ability to search source codes and information contained in .pdf, .ps, .man and .info documents. It also features the Quick Search Box ,which you can call up by pressing the Ctrl key twice. Type a few letters or words into the search box and your top results pop up instantly. Keeping with a global focus, you can use it in English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean --and it works with many versions of Linux too.
Sabayon Linux x86/x86-64 3.4 [Stable Release]

Distribution Features:
* The most advanced: Linux Kernel 2.6.22 with extra Power Management (PowerTop), Wireless (mac80211), Ext4 Filesystem, Scheduler (CFS) and Virtualization (KVM,Virt-Manager,VirtualBox) support
* Gaming oriented: featuring,
* Savage 2
* FlightGear
* DangerDeep
* Warsow
* Nexuiz
* Torcs
* Battle of Wesnoth
* Second Life
* Latest NVIDIA (100.14.11) and AMD (8.38.6) GPU drivers
* The most Windows-aware: supporting NTFS in read/write and Wine Doors utility, that let you install Windows applications as easy as 1-2-3 (using Wine 0.9.40).
* The first to support Ext4 File System: for the braves, Sabayon Linux Installer can easily handle it.
* The most Stable Cutting Edge DVD: featuring Compiz Fusion and Metisse (Technology Preview) integration
* Much more flexible: the Installer now features a really improved execution speed, RAID10 support, Ext4 Support, UUID device naming support, a Packages Selector, a Boot Services Selector and also a Core/Minimal Install Method (Server deployments)
* The Most Laptop Aware: tested and optimized also for Laptop usage
* X.Org 7.3 with automatic Monitor configuration
* KDE 3.5.7
* GNOME 2.18.2
* Strong identity: no Server applications installed (you will find them in the Business Edition)
* Less Duplicated Packages: removed about 140 duplicated applications
* Better Mactel support: added support for Intel ICH8M, Atheros Wireless cards, Backlight management and new Synaptics touchpads
* Better Out of the Box hardware support: Agere et131x,
* VMware Guest Installation Support
* Media Center capabilities: featuring GeeXbox 1.1 and Elisa Media Center (Technology Preview)
* Incredible set of installed and preconfigured Applications (see Packages List below)
* The most tested Stable Release: in the last 4 months, our Core Beta Team have done a great work to accomply our always growing QA standards. This transformed Sabayon Linux 3.4 in the most reliable version ever released.
A aparut Slackware 12!

Distribution features:
X11 7.2.0
KDE 3.5.7
XFce 4.4.1
HAL automounting for desktop users, an updated toolchain, and many other enhancements.
Momentan se pot downloada iso-urile numai de pe torenturi.
Pentru mai multe informatii
GIMP 2.4
New features:
* Redesigned crop, selection, and align tools
* Scalable bitmap brushes
* Reorganized menu layout
* Improved display when zooming in or out
* Support for more file formats
* Full support for color profiles
* Improved printing
* Auto red eye removal tool
Ubuntu 8.04 - versiunea curenta este Alpha 3. L-am instalat rapid intr-o masina virtuala, m-am lovit de 2 probleme clasice si am renuntat:

- tot nu se face verificarea daca placa video suporta 24 bit per pixel, se forteaza modul respectiv si iese ... ce iese.
- nu detecteaza placa de retea din masina virtuala. 7.04 o detecta si mergea impecabil, 7.10 o detecta dar nu isi lua IP decat dupa interventii manuale (prin GUI), 8.04 pare ca a detectat-o intr-un final dar nici dupa 15 minute nu reusise sa isi ia un IP de la routerul local.
Ar mai fi o a treia problema, mai putin grava dar stupida: un boot de pe CD live in Safe Graphic Mode initializeaza si blocheaza ecranul intr-o rezolutie (nedeclarata :) ) atat de mica incat butoanele Next sau Cancel din Installer sunt in afara ecranului. Merge cu Tab-Enter - nu e bine? Tab-Tab-Enter (merge in majoritatea ecranelor) sau Tab-Tab-Tab-Enter ...

In rest, e o versiune foarte reusita. Detalii cand o sa o repare. Asta o sa fie cand o sa isi dea seama ca mai conteaza si calitatea, nu doar cantitatea (adica un release la 6 luni chiar daca nu merge tocmai bine).