the iPhones are distributing as many as 18,000 data requests per second to the university network -- and it appears that each iPhone on campus is requesting a router address that is not available. After the phone does not get a return signal, it keeps sending requests, which leads to dozens of access points becoming overloaded.
New device could soon usher in the 1 Tbps Ethernet era.
Reprezentantul Romtelecom a adăugat că serviciile IPTV se află în perioada de testare şi vor fi disponibile în unele dintre marile oraşe ale României, care vor fi anunţate ulterior.
The really good news is that your Bluetooth and Wi-Fi devices may already support the specification
Nu chiar powered off, o placa de extensie ramane alimentata ca sa faca toata treaba.Constant Connect syncs email between Blackberry and Lenovo laptops even when power is off.
I-au dat drumul.
zf said:Romtelecom, unul dintre cei mai mari operatori telecom locali, va lansa in 10 dintre cele mai mari orase din Romania, printre care Bucuresti, Sibiu si Iasi serviciile de televiziune prin internet (IPTV), care vor fi disponibile pentru clientii companiei care au o linie de telefonie fixa si acces internet la o viteza de cel putin 8 Mbps.