Is this fun or what? :D

NPR reports that Sweden's program of generating energy from garbage is wildly successful, but recently its success has also generated a surprising issue: There is simply not enough trash. Sweden has recently begun to import about eight hundred thousand tons of trash from the rest of Europe per year to use in its power plants. Sweden already brings trash from Norway and hopes to get garbage from Italy, Romania, Bulgaria and the Baltic countries (...)
Accidental googlewhack :smile:
Da, citisem si io ieri aici si m-am cracanat de ris cind i-am citit programul zilnic. :biggrin:

The analysis of his workstation found hundreds of PDF invoices from the Chinese contractors and determined that Bob's typical work day consisted of:

9:00 a.m. – Arrive and surf Reddit for a couple of hours. Watch cat videos

11:30 a.m. – Take lunch

1:00 p.m. – Ebay time

2:00-ish p.m – Facebook updates, LinkedIn

4:30 p.m. – End-of-day update e-mail to management

5:00 p.m. – Go home
Nu inteleg de ce dracu nu a gasit o alta solutie in afara VPN-ului, sau sa-l rout-eze prin conexiunea lui de acasa, din US.