Sau, pe scurt:Due to the acquisition of RAV's IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) by Microsoft Corp., GeCAD Software SRL is currently engaged in a strategic reorganization of its operations, which includes scaling down and discontinuation of its anti-virus related business.
As part of this process please be informed that RAV AntiVirus online and direct sales ceased September 3rd, 2003.(sursa)
As previously informed, RAV AntiVirus products registration is no longer available since December 15, 2003. According to RAV product License Agreement, all new users were required to register within 7 days since receiving the registration code (RC).(sursa)
Proiectul AIDA a fost achiziţionat de firma Lavalys. Noul soft se numeşte Everest. Partea proastă este că, după cum s-a întâmplat şi în alte situaţii asemănătoare, dezvoltarea aplicaţiei a început să cunoască un ritm foarte lent faţă de cel din trecut, versiunea 1.10 datând din luna mai a acestui an. Iar o aplicaţie de diagnosticare are nevoie de update-uri foarte frecvente.As of March 24, 2004 we have decided to discontinue the development project that we all know as AIDA32.
VeriTest and PC Magazine, the developers of industry-recognized benchmarks, said they would cancel the development of a number of PC performance measuring tools without giving any reasons for the decision.
Among the discontinued products are such benchmarks like 3D WinBench, Audio WinBench, Business Winstone, Business Winstone BatteryMark, CD WinBench.
Originally posted by Toranaga
Bye bye driveri Omega. Şomer şi cu venituri din ce în ce mai mici din donaţii şi reclame pe site, autorul se scuză şi încearcă să explice cum a ajuns să abandoneze activitatea asta.
Radeon Omega Drivers 2.6.12 (Catalyst 5.2) released 02.04.2005.
AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic for Windows
Copyright © 1996-2005 H+BEDV Datentechnik GmbH.
All rights reserved.
DOS Commandline Scanner AVE32.EXE discontinued
We would like to inform you that with the release of the program version 6.33 in December 2005 the DOS commandline scanner AVE32.EXE will be officially discontinued. It will then be no longer available as a separate product or as part of the AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic for Windows. We decided to take this step because the number of DOS users is rapidly decreasing and because there have been a number of problems on and off in the past with the non-intended use of the AVE32.EXE in Windows 9x systems. From the version 6.33 on only the commandline scanner AVNT.EXE under its new name AVCMD.EXE will be available. If you should refer to the AVE32.EXE in scripts, batch-files and so on, we recommend to adjust these accordingly. For users who want to detect and remove boot sector viruses under DOS we will provide in due time a boot sector tool which can be downloaded from our website.