
N-am mai pus mîna pe Diablo II de cîţiva ani, dar din cîte îmi amintesc, şansa de a lovi e calculată pe monştri standard de un anumit nivel. Diablo sigur e tunat. :D Mai tunat decît Mephiso.

Eu am renunţat la joc pe Hell, pentru că era pur şi simplu imposibil.
Pe hell, paladinul cu ciocanele rupe cam tot.Am reusit sa duc un paladin la lvl 95 pe BattleNet si sa aiba un damage de 17k.
Pe Diablo ca sa-l faci linistit, iti trebuie macar un lvl 30 (tinand cont si de iteme).
Iar Oblivion Knights au ceva interesant, curses.Cel mai interesant fiind Iron Maiden, iar cu un barbar acolo nu ai nici o sansa, fie el si de lvl 99.

Pana una, alta, sper prin 2010 sa joc Diablo 3.
Iron Maiden il stiu, e intradevar agasant (trebuie sa fug repede pana expira) dar eu ma refeream la proiectile galbene, albastre, albe (fire, cold, lightning) la care chiar si cu rezistenta maxima iti reduc sanatatea si iti opresc din alergare barbarul.
Intre timp folosesc amazoana incerc sa imi fac una bazata pe Lightning Fury. In toate ghidurile care le-am citit se recomand si investirea unor skiluri in Bow&Crossbow (mai exact in Guided Arrow pentru monstrii rezistenti la Lightning) skill folosit cu un bow cu Elemental damage.

Acum nu stiu pe ce sa pun Skill points, pe Plague Javelin sau pe Bow&Crossbow skills.
De ce nu joci tu Titan Quest? E mai din era noastră, e mai puţin frustrant şi e mai bengos. :D Plus că acolo obiectele unice chiar pot fi găsite fără să renunţi la viaţa socială. (Doar că sînt mai naşpa ca rarele.) :B
De ce nu trec la Titan Quest ?
Pentru ca Diablo 2 Classic 1.09 si-a scos deja banii de ceva vreme si nu am probleme morale cu el. De asemenea cred ca Titan Quest's system requirements depasesc sistemul meu home de "Extreme Gaming":

CPU: P3 Coopermine 650Mhz

Motherboard: DTK - PRM 27i

Memory: 512MB SDRAM

HDD: Fujitsu MPA3035AT 3,5GB

Graphics card: Matrox Millenium G450 32MB PCI

Power Supply: Spire Jewel 380W

CPU Cooler: Cooler Master (Delta EFB0512MA)

Keyboard: Logitec Deluxe

Mouse: Chicony MS-0601

Display: Eizo L985EX

Banuiesc ca sistemul meu s-ar descurca si cu o sursa de 100W. Cu putin noroc o sa fac rost de asa ceva in curand, Spire-ul actual merge la turatie maxima si se cam duce farmecul jocului cu o turbina langa tine.
Am o amazoana de level 38 si Lightning Fury nu e rau deloc. O ridic pana la level 45 (facand intre timp rost de destule unice pt tot restul jocului) si intru pe nighmare.

Ca fapt divers am nevoie de 4 javeline ca sa curat monstrii de la un sigiliu de la Diablo.

Outfit in pregatire pt Nightmare:

Head -Iratha's Coil Crown done
Hands -Iratha's Cuff Gloves done
Belt -Iratha's Cord Belt done
Amulet -Iratha's Collar Amulet done

2-Rings Uniques done

Armour -Goldskin pending (de gasit doar in nightmare)
Shield -The Ward pending
Boots -Rare boots pending

Bow -big elemental damage non lightning bow pending

PS: La Diablo 2 Classic 1.09 nu ai unice Exceptional/Elite asa ca poti inca din normal sa ai aproape toate unicele dorite.

PPS: Slow Missiles a rezolvat problema de la proiectilele Oblivion Knighs si Iron Maiden nu afecteaza ranged atacks.
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Update la amazoana:

Acum e level 67 si are urmatorul outfit:

Outfit pregatit pentru Hell:

Head -Iratha's Coil Crown done
Hands -Iratha's Cuff Gloves done
Belt -Iratha's Cord Belt done
Amulet -Iratha's Collar Amulet done

2-Rings Uniques done

Armour -Goldskin Done
Shield -The Ward/ The Wall of Eyeless Done
Boots -Rare boots replaced by Goblin Toe

Lucrez si la un barbar pe berserk. Iron Maiden, ei ? Pure rage gives all magic atack. Daca sunt inconjurat de adversari si ma aleg cu Iron Maiden imi tai calea cu berserk. Ca fapt divers daca te apropii de oblivion knights intotdeauna dau cu altceva decat cu IM.

Si un trailer de la Monk din diablo 3:
Eu nu cred că face faţă, şi n-o spun cu răutate, doar că D2 e făcut în aşa fel încît pe hell n-ai nici o şansă fără obiecte end-game.
Intradevar abia face fata pe hell in versiunile 1.10+ dar eu joc 1.09 care nu mareste enorm viata monstrilor. :D

PS: In Diablo 2 classic 1.09 astea sunt obiecte endgame.
Acum intru cu amazoana in actul 3, pana acum a fost acceptabil de dificil, ma bucur ca scheletii din tomburi nu erau imuni la lighning. Intentionez sa termin jocul si dupa sa imi urc nivelul pe hell cow level (1.09 Amazon dream).
Domnule Velkan am un anunt de facut: :D

Am terminat cu amazoana pe Hell !

My stats:

Strength 100 (110)

Dexterity 120 (145)

Vitality 200

Energy 20

My skills:

-Passive and Magic Skills:
3 Critical Strike
1 Inner Sight
1 Slow Missiles
20 Valkyrie
12 Dodge
7 Avoid
4 Evade
1 Penetrate
8 Pierce

-Javelin and Spear Skills
1 Poison Javelin
1 Lightning Bolt
1 Plague Javelin
20 Lighting Fury


Weapon: Superior Harpoon/4P-Emerald Chu-ko-nu/Hellcast/Rare Enhanced Damage/ Enhanced Atack Rating Stilleto

Shield: Wall of the Eyeless/The Ward

Armor: Goldskin

Gloves, Helmet, Belt, Amulet: Irantha Finery

2 x Manald Heal Ring 7% mana steal

2x Rare Boots (Fire/Cold and Lightning/Cold resists) / Goblin Toe

Usor nu a fost dar nici imposibil. Totul e sa gasesti patchul potrivit (1.09 in cazul meu). Ca sa citez din serialul meu favorit: nu pot sa schimb partile negative din lume dar nu sunt obligat sa le tolerez. :)

Acum ma bat cu vitele neprietenoase din Cow level. One level up per level cleaning. Players 8 desigur. :D
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Felicitări! :) Eu pe 1.10, cu barbar făcut ca la carte (mai puţin echipamentul), n-am reuşit, şi l-am lăsat baltă de nervi.
In curand apare patchul 1.13. Preview la schimbari:

- Patch 1.13

A new Mystery has been revealed!

- Players of Hell Difficulty Realm games are hereby warned once again, that a series of new and challenging tests await you! The answer lies within Diablo’s Bosses, which span across the world from the Den of Evil to the Throne of Destruction…

Major Bugs

* Fixed an item dupe bug.
* Video improvements for Intel Mac machines with OS 10.5 or greater.

Minor Bugs

* Uber Mephisto now checks for both Uber Baal and Uber Diablo to be killed before spawning summoned minions (Before he would only check for Uber Baal).
* The game will no longer stop and then restart the game music after the window loses and then regains focus.
* Fixed an issue where the game window would minimize when running in windowed mode when it lost focus.
* Fixed an issue where the game window wouldn’t center properly when it was created.

Specific changes/improvements

* Respecialization is now possible! Completing the ‘Den of Evil’ quest will now additionally reward 1 free respec which can be saved. Players who have already completed this quest should receive 1 free respec in Hell difficulty.
* Increased the drop rate of high runes.
* Support for blit scaling in windowed mode. The game can now be maximized to the largest 4:3 resolution supported (hooray widescreen users).
* Some rare drop items now have an orange color. i.e. Runes and items required for Uber Tristam.
* Modified the gold bank limit to be a flat cap not bound by level.
* Nightmare/Hell WilloWisps champions/uniques have had their damage greatly reduced.
* Removed the requirements to create a hardcore character.
* Greatly reduced the explosion damage dealt by Fire Enchanted monsters.
* Uber Mephisto and Uber Baal’s summoned minions no longer give experience.
* Removed Oblivion Knight’s Iron Maiden curse.
* Hellfire Torch Firestorm proc rate has been reduced to 5%.
* Users can now toggle the display of text over the Health and Mana globes by clicking on the bottom area of each orb.
* Updated two Act 5 mercenary names to Klar and Tryneus.
* When creating a single player game, pressing the ‘Enter’ key now automatically creates a Hell difficulty game if possible.
* When creating a game, each difficulty button is now bound to a unique key: Normal ‘R’, Nightmare ‘N’, and Hell ‘H’.
* The ‘Enter Chat’ Button in the battle.net waiting room is now bound to the ‘Enter’ key.
* Added the windows system buttons to the game window (MIN, MAX, CLOSE).
* Added new command line parameter ‘-nofixaspect’ which allows users to not fix the aspect ratio to 4:3 when maximizing windowed mode. This lets the game ‘stretch’ to fill your monitor.
* Added support for ‘-sndbkg’ command line switch. This enables sound in background.
* Added support for ‘-nosound’, ‘-window’, and ‘-windowed’ command line options.

Revised Skill balance for Player Character classes


* Immolation Arrow - Increased radius of Explosion effect by 33% and Immolation effect by 50%.
* Immolation Arrow - Explosion effect damage increased by 20%.
* Immolation Arrow - Increased base duration by 33%.


* Shadow Master - Increased resistance range per point from 5-80 to 5-90.


* Whirlwind - Reduced initial mana cost by 50%.
* Masteries - Changed critical strike chance from 0-25 to 0-35.


* Blessed Hammer - No longer ignores resistances of undead and demons.


* Werebear - Damage bonus increased by 15% across all ranks.
* Werebear - Increased health by 25% and armor by 1% per point.
* Shockwave - Synergy from Maul adds 5% damage per point.


* Blood Golem - Removed negative shared life effect (player no longer loses life when golem takes damage).
* Corpse Explosion - Increased base damage dealt from 60% - 100% to 70% - 120% of corpses health.
* Poison Nova - Increased base damage by 15%.


* Fire Wall - Synergy receives 1% damage per point of Inferno and Blaze and 4% per point of Warmth.
* Blaze - Synergy receives 2% damage per point of Firewall and 4% per point of Warmth.
* Hydra - Increased base damage by 15% per rank.
* Hydra - Increased base speed of Hydra projectile.
* Hydra - Reduced cooldown by 25%.
* Lightning Mastery - Reduced overall effect by 15%.

Din ce vad Hammerdinii o sa urasca acest patch (nu mai e asa devastator blessed hammer) iar barbarii o sa il iubeasca (nu mai e IM).
Am terminat si cu barbarul (un berserker/concentrator) Diablo 2 Classic 1.09.

Cu exceptia lui Lord de Seis ce vine cu trupa lui de Oblivion Knights si Diablo, cei ce necesita Battle Orders (95% more Mana and Life) in rest Players 8 Hell Chaos Sanctuary nu face probleme. Asta confirma parerea generala ca ar fi trebuit ca patchul 1.09 sa fie ultimul pentru Diablo 2 classic (ok, poate ar fi fost bine sa fi rezolvat si bugul MSLE).

Acum ii cresc nivelul cu Players 4 pt maximul de Concentration (daca folosesc Players 8 imi ia 80 de minute sa termin si castig prea putin in plus fata de Players 4).