Dupa un upgrade de la Oracle 9i la Oracle 11G R2 aplicatiile access97 ce aceeseaza baza de date (linked tables) au un comportament ciudat:
Daca introduc intr-un camp al unei inregistrari valarea 6,78 de exemplu, totul e normal. Daca introduc in acelasi camp valoarea 6,77 atunci nici un alt camp al inregistrarii respective nu mai poate fi editat si primesc mesaj de eroare.
Eroarea este asta:
This record has been changed by another user since you started editing it. If you save the record, you will overwrite the changes the other user made.
Copying the changes to the clipboard will let you look at the values the other user entered, and then paste your changes back in if you decide to make changes.
Daca introduc intr-un camp al unei inregistrari valarea 6,78 de exemplu, totul e normal. Daca introduc in acelasi camp valoarea 6,77 atunci nici un alt camp al inregistrarii respective nu mai poate fi editat si primesc mesaj de eroare.
Eroarea este asta:
This record has been changed by another user since you started editing it. If you save the record, you will overwrite the changes the other user made.
Copying the changes to the clipboard will let you look at the values the other user entered, and then paste your changes back in if you decide to make changes.