NTFS este limitat. Cine a zis ca nu e?

Marius '95

Am downloadat arhiva FreeDB si incerc sa o despachetez. Pe FAT32 n-am reusit si se pare ca nici pe NTFS nu merge.
Deci care erau aia care ziceau ca NTFS este mai bun? Ia despachetati-mi si mie arhiva aia! :bash:
3.6. Why do I get lots of 0 byte files when extracting the Unix-format archives under WinNT/2000/XP and how can I extract them properly?

The Unix-format archives contain several hardlinks. Extracting them under WinNT/2000 doesn't work properly (as links are not supported by Windows) when using common decompressors, so you will get 0 byte files instead of the links. But there is a way to extract the files properly. Download star.exe, bzip2.exe and the cygwin1.dll from
Put them somewhere in your path and run
star -x -bz -copylinks f=/cygdrive/driveletter/path_to_your_archive
in the directory, to which you want to extract the database.
Am extras 2836936956 bytes din arhivă (2831922 fișiere) cu WinRAR.
Version 4.00
9. If TAR, TAR.GZ or TAR.BZ2 archive contains symbolic or hard links
and if destination file system is NTFS, WinRAR will create these
links when unpacking such archive. WinRAR will create symbolic links
as symbolic and hard links as hard in Windows Vista and newer
and it will create all links as hard in older Windows.
Windows-urile mai noi știu linking, dar nu sunt așa de des întâlnite ca în *nix, așa că nu-s implementate de toate aplicațiile.

BTW, fișierele alea ocupă vreo 10GB la mine, nu e o idee așa bună să le ții local.
Total Commander a dat eroare pe la 60%, ceva de genul "Write error". Incerc acum cu WinRAR.

Deci da:
! S:\Work\freedb-complete-20120601.tar: Cannot create rock\420f4718
! S:\Work\freedb-complete-20120601.tar: Cannot create rock\1a043c03
! S:\Work\freedb-complete-20120601.tar: Cannot create rock\1a043c04
! S:\Work\freedb-complete-20120601.tar: Cannot create rock\61124a07
! S:\Work\freedb-complete-20120601.tar: Cannot create rock\420f0c15
S: este NTFS.
Nu cumva e vre-o arhiva busita?

Cum naiba ai ajuns tu la limita NTFS cand marimea maxima a fisierului e 16TB/NTFS si 16EB/NTFS5?!?!