Am deschis subiectul pentru că marii producători de SDRAM au început deja să fabrice acest tip de memorie. Un studiu al SiliconStrategies.com arată că dimm-urile DDR-II vor apărea în masă pe piaţă cândva în acest an.
2004And one more story from JEDEC Committee. During the conference in Santa-Clara (California) the committee shared some preliminary DDR II specifications, which is the second generation DDR SDRAM standard expected to enter the mass market some time in 2004, as we read over here.
In the field of system memory, DDR-II specs are determined by the chips with the resulting frequencies of 400MHz, 533MHz, and 667MHz (600MHz frequency was removed from the list). In the graphics field they pre-defined the following frequencies: 800MHz and 1000MHz.all the chips will work at 1.8V and their capacity will be at least 512Mbit. The packaging should be 200-, 220- and 240-pin FBGA.
DDR II memory will use the same set of instructions but slightly modified and updated. The new DDR II features include: "posted CAS", differential strobe, OCD (off-chip output driver calibration), ODT (on-die termination), burst interrupt and a 4-bit "pre-fetch" instead of the 2-bit one as in DDR I.
The development of DDR II specs will be completed this month and in June they will release the definition of supported chips. In September the committee will offer the first specs for memory modules. All the largest memory makers promised to start the production of DDR II samples in the end of this year or beginning of the next year at the latest.
Samsung Electronics today expanded its list of DDR-II offerings with a number of new SKUs. The move can potentially help the new DRAM standard to become popular in various market segments, including powerful personal computers as well as Intel Xeon-based servers.
In addition to 256Mb and 512Mb DDR-II chips operating at 400MHz, 533MHz and 667MHz, Samsung Electronics now wants to offer 1Gb DDR-II devices. The new DRAMs will be made using 0.10 micron process in the firm’s 300mm fab in Hwasung, South Korea.
Additionally, Samsung rolled-out its 2GB registered DDR-II DIMMs and 1GB unbuffered DDR-II modules, both based on the firm’s 512Mb chips that are in mass production now. Such modules may be used in servers, workstations or powerful personal computers - these markets do not represent a huge market in terms of volume, but are pretty stable and profitable. With the introduction of new platform chipsets from Intel, it is likely that 2GB registered DDR-II modules from Samsung will be in demand from server and/or workstation companies.
All new products are currently sampling. Typically it takes memory companies from 1.5 to 3 months to get these kings of devices into mass production.
Samsung also said it would expand its DRAM business by expanding its product portfolio, addressing various lucrative markets, such as graphics, digital consumer and mobile applications.
Am deschis subiectul pentru că marii producători de SDRAM au început deja să fabrice acest tip de memorie. Un studiu al SiliconStrategies.com arată că dimm-urile DDR-II vor apărea în masă pe piaţă cândva în acest an.