Armored Warfare


Manic Miner
Armored Warfare free to play MMO cu tancuri (moderne de data asta) de la Obsidian Entertainment facut pe CryEngine 3.

Beta signup.





So here we go again. :D

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Din cite am inteles deocamdata se pare ca va fi tot arcade style. Ramine de vazut cum va arata gameplay-ul ca grafica ar trebuie sa fie darimatoare.
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Dap, e de la ei.

Armored Warfare Beta Signup Code Issue
Hi everyone,

We're aware of an issue currently affecting some people trying to sign up for the Armored Warfare beta where they receive an "Invalid code" error.

We're working to resolve this issue as quickly as possible so we can get everyone signed up for the beta. Thank you all for your patience and support!

Un shameless copy/paste de pe forumul lor de la un nene care a adunat laolalta toate informatiile scapate pina acum de dezvoltatori.

Here's What We've Learned from the Previews
So in no particular order, here's the relevant info gleaned form the half dozen or so previews posted in the Preview thread:

From the Boss of Obsidian, Feargus Urquhart

""And the player's going to have to choose how they want to play, and how they want to improve their vehicles. Ideally, the players that are jumping into these tanks, and different types of anti-tank vehicles, they're going to feel a sense of ownership.""

Extensive "progress" trees.

Multiple tiers of "unlockable tanks".

You start with a "fresh vehicle" and add "different upgrades and customization parts".

Fully destructible environment

15 V 15 PVP mode

Co-op 4 player V AI PVE mode where you compete with the other human players for "points and the like" (whatever that is). PVE will be story driven it seems.

"very complex" upgrade system for weapons and armor

Movement and shooting and view controls are very similar to WoT.

Spotted enemy vehicles have a red outline as per WoT.

Tanks have "larger" (ie non realistic) ammo loads - may be selectable though.

Consumables such as fire extinguishers again like WoT.

Mentions multiple "lives", so maybe respawn or full garage mode

Default view is third person, moving to first person for gunnery, again like..WoT. What else could they do though.

"“We want the PvE mode to be a completely valid way of playing the game,” Obsidian designer Rich Taylor said. “It’s not like, oh, well, you play this first, and then you graduate to PvP. If you want to only play PvE, our goal is to have that be a very satisfying experience with full progression available in it.”"

Health bar, yes confirmed.

Your crew will be "upgradeable" and will "influence your progress", whatever that means, and will be "characters" in their own right.

Mercenary mode, where you work for a private military contractor and unlock the vehicles they are equipped with.Not sure if this is the primary mode?

Your "base", "workshop" or "garage" will be customizable "with structures almost like an RTS" and will have "some effect" on your progression.

"In terms of progression, Obsidian assures that fans of their deep, gear-laden RPGs of past and present should have plenty to work toward."

Armored Warfare is being billed as “free to compete,” with microtransactions probably including the usual fare of XP boosts and cosmetic upgrades. Karabaich stressed the importance of keeping everyone on a level playing field within an actual match regardless of how much real cash they’ve spent on the game.""

"Territory Wars" Clan based mode, similar to CoD:Ghosts Clan Wars Mode

No ponies or princesses.

That's about all I could get from these, please feel free to add anything I've missed or expand on the points above.

Deci in mare va fi un WoT cu tancuri moderne plus cite ceva mai altfel daca am inteles io bine.
PAX Alpha gameplay

Deci 101% WoT. Interfata, aiming, consumabile, crosshair (lol parca e crosshairu' lu' Jimbo), upgrade-uri, red outline, HP bar, tot-tot.
Sincer nu e rau ca macar e foarte familiar pentru mine.

Nu prea mi-e clar cum functioneaza spotting-ul ca toti inamicii erau vizibili, hartile mi s-au parut cam mici dar hai sa zic ca a fost un scenariu PvE din cite am inteles.
As fi vrut sa vad si o arty in actiune dar mai e timp pina la anu.
Una peste alta nu e nimic inovator acolo doar un WoT imbunatatit (sper io).

Astept cu interes sa-l joc si io.
In uichendu' trecut a fost un focus alpha test cu o mina de oameni (500 daca am inteles bine din care majoritatea yutuberi/bloggeri/stuff like that).
Io nu i-am impresionat se pare cu bataliile din WoT si WT asa ca nu mi-au dat invite. Sa le fie rusine. :biggrin:

Azi a aparut primul filmulet cu gameplayu' din acest test.
E in poloneza dar macar are imagini si sonor din joc.

La prima vedere pare a fi ceea ce trebuia sa fie WoT in 2015, de la grafica la mecanica jocului.
Ramine sa ma pronunt personal cind o binevoi nenii aia de la Obsidian sa ma ia si pe mine la joaca.
Pai e deja-vu daca ai jucat WoT cu salbaticie ca mine. :D
Ceea ce sincer nu e un lucru rau ca macar sunt familiare mecanicile de baza ale jocului si cite ceva din interfata.

Ideea e ca practic AW ar vrea sa fie un WoT imbunatatit. De la grafica/sonor la mecanicile jocului plus ceva chestii noi (gen PvE, cei trei contractori si ce-o mai fi avind in cap cei de la Obsidian).

Ramine de vazut cum va fi produsul final dar ma enerveaza astia ca nu m-au luat si pe mine din prima. Se pare ca nu i-am impresionat cu pedigriul meu din WoT si WT. :mad2:
Păi mno, bagă și ei pe cine le bagă dup-aia reclamă pe goarnă, pe bloguri, pe iutub, d-astea, nu oricine care doar joacă bine. Scopul nu e atât de a strânge feedback de la jucători ci de la a face buzz pe piață la posibili clienți cu buzunare generoase.
Absolut de acord cu ce zici pufi.
Dar stiu sigur citiva baieti de pe alte forumuri care nu-s nici bloggeri nici iutuberi nici nica si au fost luati si ei in focus test asta. Io pauza. Huaaa. :pumn:
Păi ca să mai câștige și blogerii/iutuberii, nu numa' tu :biggrin:. Nu i-au invitat ca să și-o ia pe coajă.
OK, am cistigat key-ul de mai sus si am jucat faza 1 si acu' de doua zile faza 2.
Am facut un scurt rezumat in romgleza aici.

Pe scurt jocul e WoT dar imbunatatit sub toate aspectele.
Toata lumea "iubeste" arty in WoT asa ca ieri am facut un filmulet cu viata de artilerist in AW.

Se vad destul de clar diferentele fata de WoT. Toate pozitive din punctul meu de vedere. Atit pentru artilerist cit si pentru tanchist.
Aveti acolo si OSD-ul din Afterburner ca sa vedeti load, temperaturi, fepeseuri, etc. O mentiune doar, codarea in timp real mi-a halit cel putin 5 fepeseuri, in general nu am probleme in a rula jocul cursiv la max in full-HD (prin cursiv inteleg macar 30 fepeseuri ca pentru mine sunt de ajuns).
Daca nu are SU-26 cu turela rotativa tot degeaba, ala era cel mai fun din tot WoT inainte sa-l nerf-uiasca... :B
Pai aici cam toate arty se pare ca au turela. Aiming/accuracy cam tot ca-n WoT. Direct hit/damage/reload cam cit facea SU-26 asa ca practic toate arty din AW sunt un fel de SU-26 inainte de nerf. :rotf: